Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Photography Terms

1.I like to photograph the faces of people who are showing soft amounts of emotion.
2.The aperture is the how wide the camera opens up when the shutter is opened. It affects light and Depth of Field.
3.The ISO is the sensitivity of the camera's sensor.
4.The shutter speed is how long the shutter is open. It will affect how much light will hit the sensor and the motion visible in the photo.
5.The exposure triad is Aperture, ISO, and Shutter Speed, and together they are solely responsible for light hitting the sensor and then being detected by the sensor.
6.The Depth of Field is controlled by the size of the Aperture. A more open aperture will create a shallower depth of field.
7.In shutter priority mode, you are given control of the shutter speed, but the computer is given control of the aperture. In aperture priority mode, you are given control of the aperture, but the computer will control the shutter speed. In manual mode, you have full control of both.
8.The tonal values of a picture are the darks and the lights. They can be controlled in photoshop with levels and curves.
9.A histogram is graph, more specifically, a bar graph where all the bars touch.
10.Diffused light is light that bounces off other surfaces and then onto the surface being viewed. Direct light is light that comes out of a light source, hits the surface being viewed, then bounces into the camera's sensor. Existing light is light that was captured by the camera, and not added in through editing.  Artificial light is light that comes from a light bulb. Natural light is light that comes from the sun, fire, and fluorescent/phosphorescent creatures. A fill light is a light that is of less power than the key light, and is used to reduce contrast in a photo. A key light is "the first and usually most important light" used by a photographer to provide the main highlighting to a photograph. A flash is a bright light that is activated for a small burst when the shutter opens.
11.First, save as a PSD, then crop, alter levels/curves, then save as JPEG.
12.You can use the marquee tools, the magic wand tool, or the quick selection tool.
13.Adjustment layers are non-destructive edits, that can be undone at later times.
14.An ethical issue involved in photography is the use of peoples images without their consent. A good example of this is the use of Ann Kirsten Kennis' photograph from 1983 on the band Vampire Weekend's album 'Contra'.
15.Photography is a good way to capture the world from your view point. It provides a subtle surrealism to a world that is often quite stark.

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